Life Insurance policy comes with various offers and special benefits that acts as a supporting factor in securing the life of an individual or a group as a whole by reimbursing and compensating the expenses incurred. It acts as a protective shield in case of uncertainty and financial risk. Life insurance policy is a legally binded contract. Here both the parties – insurance company and policy holder are bound to abide by the rules and regulations with the policy matter. The consent obtained is free and not out of threat, punishment or defamation. It is purely established with certainty factors under a timely payment of insurance premium. Here, different types of policies come with different set of premium price and insurance coverage. You need to analyse your requirement and capacity and then select the policy. For consultation services, feel free to contact iSelect. The members are highly trained and skilled and will help you in selecting right kind of insurance policy.
Premium price is one of the most considerable factor in insurance policy. It consists of different types of concepts that must be clearly understood if you choose to calculate it transparently. Also, read all the terms and conditions of insurance policy determining the premium price, term period, process of getting insurance coverage and other features and benefits to avoid confusion at the need of an hour.
Life insurance Policy includes the coverage of third party
Third Party Liability helps you in compensating with the damage to any of your physical property or person himself out of uncertainty or unavoidable circumstances. They support you in case of financial loss and provides reimbursement out of repair and maintenance cost under the legal laws mentioned in the contractual report. In this concept, the price of insurance premium is calculated on the basis of capacity of car and its working condition. Everything is kept transparent and original.
Life insurance Premium covers the concept of own damage
This is one of the most fundamental concept that focuses majorly upon reimbursing the customers when they have spent upon repair and maintenance. Here, you are supposed to show and present physically all the documents and reports of damage and accident either natural case or man-made case. It represents that if the IDV value i.e. Insurance Declared Value is higher then the premium price will also be higher. On contrary to this, if the age of car is quite high then there are charges that the premium price will be lower supported with a decrease in IDV.
Life insurance premium covers the amount and condition of personal accident
Life insurance policy goes extra mile in case if the question raises upon protecting and securing the requirements of customer or policy holder. They acts as a vital part in case of personal accident or disability measures on a comprehensive note. The factor of disability and its expenses incurred are considerably taken note of while calculating insurance premium.
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