Engineering Staffing Management
Every engineering firm strives to create a well rounded engineering team. The essence of engineering is team work based on engineering skills, talents, education and experience.

It is easy to spot problems with engineering staffing. Engineering projects encounter delays, errors and omissions and a general lack of cohesion within the engineering staff.

The Recipe for a Well Structured Engineering Team
Engineering managers know the types of projects they regularly encounter. This is a clue to the type of engineering staffing that produces the most comprehensive engineering.

For example, if the engineering firm mainly accepts mechanical engineering design projects from large industrial facilities, the mix of younger engineers with solid design innovation skills and more experienced engineers who possess expertise in taking engineering designs from AutoCad to fabrication to installation assure management projects will be successful.

How to Find Engineering Staffing
Engineering firms try to effect a recruiting process that expedites their immediate project needs, as well as potential projects from regular clients.

There are several ways to handle engineering staffing needs. This includes:
. Referrals from vendors and suppliers with regular contact with engineers
. Check social media sites that are business oriented such as LinkedIn
. Seek assistance from a local engineering recruiter
. Contact local colleges and universities engineering departments
. Rely on a professional engineering recruiter

Referrals from Vendors and Suppliers
Vendors and suppliers of parts and other products are regularly in contact with engineers who may inquire about non-standard parts and products needed for engineering projects. In some cases, a referral fee may be required for contact information.  The truth is, engineering jobs are in demand right now.

Social Media and Business Blog Sites
Another possibility to find engineering staffing is through social media sites like LinkedIn or engineering blog sites. Social media and SEO is important to engineering staffing sites to garner attention. Don’t forget that many experienced engineers regularly contribute white papers that are published online and in hard copies of engineering magazines. These magazines include:
. Chemical & Engineering News
. Plant Engineering
. Consulting-Specifying Engineer
. Engineering Magazine

Engineering magazines offer contact names of engineers with specific qualifications seeking project work.

Depending on the gravity and time constraints of engineering projects, local engineering recruiters and those found online fill in staffing needs quickly.

Don’t be afraid to offer an engineering position to engineers willing to relocate. Even though the additional costs may be included in an engineering salary, this is one way to attract engineers for long term employment.

Local Colleges and Universities Help Handle Engineering Staffing Problems
There are numerous colleges and universities that act as engineering recruiters for their top engineering students and graduates.

Look for colleges that include engineering studies of various types of engineering and engineering design. When hiring younger engineers, it is important to review their engineering talents and strengths so they will compliment more experienced engineers already on staff.

In the case of chemical engineering, for instance, chemical engineering projects require an experienced team leader. However, there is flexibility that allows for younger engineers to increase their experience through exposure to mentoring engineers with consulting, regulatory and specifying experience.

What to Do When a Major Engineering Project is On Board
Whenever a major engineering project is on board, there is always the concern of engineering firms that their staffing might not be adequate to fill all phases of the project.

By defining the project in four phases before a construction or industrial manufacturing project begins, it is easier to identify gaps in engineering staffing.

How to Choose a Professional Technical Recruiter
For major projects to be completed in a cost-effective, timely manner, it is best to rely on a professional engineering staffing recruiter.

The good news is that engineers acquired from a top name in engineering like Austin Nichols, are project engineers who become permanent engineering staffing.