Before you select a college or university, it is vital that before you register for any professional course at any particular institution of your choice, ensure that the course offers are accredited kinds of institutions that can improve your chances of getting employment and financial aid options.
Accreditation is a form of certification whereby an independent body verifies that an academic or school program meets the minimum academic standards. This will ensure that the academic you work so hard over the years of study and you have invested so much of your money and time means something to you at the end of the program. Here is some information on Grand Canyon university accreditation and Grand Canyon university accreditation professionals about the steps an institution has to go through for it to attain accreditation for the courses they offer to its students.
The entire process of getting accreditation can take between one to two years before it is fully completed and certified. The process depends on which accrediting body the institution seeks certification from. Here is the process.
Step One: Identifying the Accreditation to Obtain
Among the US or CHEA departments of education recognized recognizing bodies, some are more respected than others due to the rigorous accrediting standards. Therefore, the more prestigious accreditation you seek, the school’s higher standards have to be set and met. Additionally, the school can also attain programmatic accreditation for some individual programs it offers, even if it has already been accredited.
Step Two: Identifying and Satisfying the Eligibility Requirement
After the school has chosen the accreditation, it wants to have it. It must find and meet all the eligibility requirements. During this entire time, it will be in candidacy status. This means it is in the process and not yet fully accredited. It must meet the fundamental requirements needed
Step Three: Submission of Documentation and Paperwork
The school will be required to submit the necessary documentation and paperwork to show if it qualifies for accreditation at the candidacy status. Here it has to submit information about its faculty, class syllabi, school financial viability, degree requirements, student samples, and graduation requirements.
Step Four: Evaluation
This step is where the commission members from the accreditation agency will review the school characteristics and accomplishments that will determine if the accreditation they want is warranted. This process includes an onsite visit to the school and a documentation review.
Step Five: Decision Making
This is the final stage where a decision will be made about the accreditation process. Until the decision is made, the school will still be required to provide all the financial status and academic details.