Chronic Pains and the Perfect Details for You

Chronic pain affects many older people. It is often due to disorders such as osteoarthritis and can become disabling. Treatments exist to relieve pain. Learn to recognize pain in a loved one who does not communicate.

Chronic pain common in older people

Almost 70% of people over 65 suffer from persistent chronic pain. The prevalence of pain increases with age from the age of 85, 90% of seniors suffer from pain.

Unlike acute pain, which is a temporary sensation associated with an event such as an injury or an operation, chronic pain lasts three to six months or longer, causing other physical and psychological problems.

Different factors can cause chronic pain in older people:

  • pain triggered by a physical incident, such as extensive back pain or severe infection
  • due to an ongoing pathology such as osteoarthritis, cancer, shingles, circulatory disorders, or muscle problems, such as fibromyalgia and myofascial pain,
  • neuropathic pain, due to nerve damage,
  • psychogenic pain, which is not primarily due to physical injury or illness but instead to psychological causes.
  • Chronic pain of osteoarticular origin is most frequent in the elderly, especially after 80 years.

Older adults do not always share their suffering with the attending physician because they fear drugs and their side effects. Often considering pain as a fatality or a normal consequence of aging, they prefer to tolerate their pain and refrain from medications that may reduce their autonomy. However, if poorly treated, chronic pain risks becoming disabling for the elderly. The consistent experience of pain can lead to depressive symptoms, anxiety, social problems, loss of appetite, and trouble sleeping.

The possibilities of treating chronic pain in the elderly

There are actually different methods of treatment that can reduce the pain and make it bearable. Other therapies are ranging from physiotherapy to more or less potent drugs in addition to an active lifestyle.

Despite the risks of side effects, such as constipation, nausea, dizziness, and the like, medications are often needed to relieve pain.

The doctor must weigh the pros and cons when the pain is too debilitating or unbearable. In the elderly, opioid dependence is also rarer than in young people.

Alternative methods, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, or naturopathy, have also been proven in the treatment of chronic pain in the elderly. Some even turn to hypnosis or different natural therapies.

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How to talk to an older person about pain

One of the difficulties in treating chronic pain in the elderly is often even talking about it. Many seniors are unwilling to complain and talk about the pain. Others will find it difficult to describe it. With bioflu, uses best choices are there. The deals are most effective.